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Healing Body, Mind And Spirit.

Organic Ingredients

Cedarwood oil does exactly that. If you suffer from thin hair or forms of alopecia, which is a immune system disorder, cedarwood oil can help combat that. It is best applied when massaged into your hair and scalp and can even be combined with other oils such as lavender.

Take A Little Time For Yourself.

Why this is good for your skin:



Vitamin C: It’s just all around great for your skin: “A significant body of scientific research supports the use of cosmeceuticals containing vitamin C. Cutaneous benefits include promoting collagen synthesis, photoprotection from ultraviolet A and B, lightening hyperpigmentation, and improvement of a variety of inflammatory dermatoses. Because of the diverse biologic effects of this compound, topical vitamin C has become a useful part of the dermatologist’s armamentarium”

Glycerin: It is moisturiziung and has beneficial effects in the treatment of dry, scaly skin

Aloe: The Aloe vera plant has been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties 

Rosemary Essential Oil

This specific oil is one of the most popular for hair growth and thicker hair. Rosemary oil is known as a minoxidal, which is a treatment of sorts for hair loss. Essentially, rosemary oil slows down the graying process as well as any hair loss leading towards balding. It’s never too late to start using this oil in your daily regimen!


Chamomile Oil

Unlike the other oils, chamomile oil has more superficial benefits. It can help soften your hair as well as giving it some shine. Similar to peppermint oil and lavender oil, it also has soothing properties. If you are looking to change up your look but want to do it naturally, chamomile oil can be used as a lightening agent.


Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is another really helpful essential oil, because it has antiseptic properties in addition to stimulating hair growth. Similar to lavender oil, it has soothing properties and in a way, it cools down your scalp if irritated. It can be combined with your shampoo or conditioner to apply to your scalp and hair.

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